Arcona ICO - The Augmented Reality Ecosystem


They're about to produce a greenhorn digital land with increased Reality uniting the physical and virtual world along.
The new program are designed for everyday use and creates a fun interactive expertise for the user by victimisation increased, virtual and mixed reality transmission in globe locations.
Users can have the choice of dealing land inside the AR platform then doing business, each bit of virtual land on the platform corresponds to real land within the globe.
Everything on the platform are controlled remotely which means that you're going to be ready to do worldwide business from the comfort of your home or workplace.
Holders of the ERC20 primarily based Arcona token are ready to own virtual tons then receive rent payments once their land is employed by different AR programs on the platform.

The AR Market

The AR market has been growing quickly and is anticipated by most to grow abundant faster because the technology is up thus quick. the amount of the market was already $3 billion last year and is anticipated to grow to succeed in $150 billion by 2020.
Many immense firms have recently got concerned within the market cherish Google, Facebook and Apple making a 'war' over UN agency will advance the technology the fastest.
However the market still has area for smaller players.
The game that really brought AR to the market and evidenced the idea would be fashionable was Pokemon Go last year, the games developer, Nintendo saw their market cap grow by $14.8 billion inside per week of the games unleash.

Current Progress and Roadmap

The new scheme is being developed by the team from Pilgrim XXI UN agency already has over five years of expertise within the market.
In 2014 they launched the worlds 1st out of doors increased reality park. the primary park multiplied touristry to the world by half-hour, attracting over 60k tourists p.a..
There's currently a complete of eight completely different parks, with several different AR comes oversubscribed in vi completely different European countries.
The companies revenue is already $700k and they've already place in a number of their own funds into researching advancements into the AR technology.
The company has additionally received help from the Microsoft seed fund grant with any facilitate from Google, Intel and therefore the high twenty startups program from Booking.

Advantages of victimisation the blockchain
The new Arcona token are the payment methodology on the platform with all digital product and services solely obtainable by getting them with the token.
Token holders also will have the choices of causative to the formation of the scheme and have the possibility to receive rewards for finishing tasks.
The new system can run on the Ethereum network and build use of the sensible contracts as some way of confirmative UN agency owns what land and as a technique of transferring the title rights, this could make sure that the platform is totally trustworthy and verifiable.

Advantages of Arcona

The platform aims to supply technical benefits aswell as a higher expertise for the user and advantages for businesses.

For businesses: The digital world can produce a replacement area that companies might use to pay to advertise, several believe this type of advertising may well be consecutive massive issue with several ancient markets turning into too costly or over saturated.
For users: there is presently no tools for straightforward interaction for AR, the platform hopes to vary this by making a replacement digital world that may be accessed from anyplace within the world. They additionally aim to supply the possibility for users to create cash from their own comes while not the requirement of programming information.
Technical improvements: Positioning of objects continues to be a difficulty even for the largest firms within the market. The new platform can amendment this by victimisation globe objects as markers instead of simply utilizing GPS.

Token Info

Road Map

  • Quarter 1: Launch of the new marketplace and the Arcona unit of account. Start of the auctions for the sale of lands for token holders.
  • Quarter 2: Launch of the AR viewer prototype and applications for bonuses for testers.
  • Quarter 3: Launch of the technological prototype for the AR grid and remote positioning tools.
  • Quarter 4: Launch of the AR viewer and a new program to attract users with field tasks to earn tokens.


Unlike several of this token sales the team behind this project contains a ton of expertise within the niche already, having additionally already received funds from massive firms aswell as $650 additionally being collected throughout a personal pre sale for this project.
The blockchain and AR niches merging appearance good too with each technologies growing at such a powerful rate.
The token additionally contains a real use with it being the only real methodology of payment on the platform, recently several comes appear to only be launching on the blockchain as some way to achieve extra funds with ICOs attracting most attention.
There's presently bonuses for obtaining concerned early creating it advantageous to urge in early.

Important Links

                                          Bitcontalk username : temantapimenikah

Wallet ERC20 : 0x32eA995A0c4E7f3665A5d9711A75fe7Ab63f2369


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